www.nnn.se INTRODUCTION & OVERVIEW Main components of this website. Tips on viewing and printing. NORDIC NEWS NETWORK The Nordic model of society, the crisis of social democracy, and the subjugation of Sweden to the European Union and USA/NATO. REMEMBER VIETNAM If the world can be made to forget the Vietnam War, it can be made to forget anything. POX AMERICANA The consequences and historical falsification of crimes against humanity and international law by the United States and its allies. DISINFORMATION DIGEST On the methods and procedures of Swedish and international media in the service of power. SEA OTTER PRODUCTIONS Editorial and graphic services. Redaktionella och grafiska tjänster. Publisher: Al Burke E-mail: editor@nnn.se This website is optimized for Firefox
Sweden has a new, neolegitimate leader It was clearly necessary to correct recent governments’ devastating embrace of neo-liberalism and Pax Americana. Assange & Sweden Sweden and two other vassal states have conspired with the United States in an assault on justice and free expression.
 The Swedish Cult of America Sweden's pathological relation- ship to the United States has led the once peace-loving country to collaborate in so-called “humanitarian wars”. With Licence to Kill & Cover Up On police involvement in the assassination of Olof Palme and the death of trust in Sweden. (PDF: 535 KB)