Excerpts from police interviews in case of Julian Assange vs. Sweden.


The original interviews conducted by the police provide crucial evidence which seriously undermines the Swedish prosecutor's case against Julian Assange. Among other things, they reveal that:

• The sexual encounters between Julian Assange and the two women involved were entirely consensual.

• At no time did either woman tell Assange to stop or otherwise express disapproval of the sexual acts in which they participated.

• Both women told friends that their purpose in visiting the police was not to accuse Assange of any crime, but to seek assistance in compelling him to be tested for HIV.

• Upon hearing that a warrant had been issued for the arrest of Assange, the woman who was being interviewed by the police became so distraught that was unable to continue and departed without endorsing the written account. She later told a friend that she felt ”run over by the police and others”.

• The other woman involved has given contradictory accounts of her relationship with Assange.

• The police officer who conducted the initial interview was ordered by a superior to alter the written record and was taken off the case.

These and numerous other pertinent facts emerged from the interviews, the protocols (written accounts) of which were leaked to the Internet in early 2011; their authenticity has not been questioned.

The documents, both in the original Swedish and translated into English, are available in PDF format via the following links:

English Translations

Swedish Originals

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